Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Week 6 Reflection

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Being able to have some time to focus on my site has been amazing. I feel like I have been able to have time to get some slide decks sorted and ready to put on my site. This is going to help with my teaching and planning and make life easier for not only me but my students! As they have FINALLY got their iPads it will be great to have a routine during math's and reading that the children can use our class site to go to when they are unsure what they are doing, rather than interrupt me during group teaching time.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Fixing up and improving my classroom site means the students are one step closer to being able to access the site from their iPads! This will mean the the students can learn to be independent learners and not have to be guided all the time. This will be super beneficial to my group of student's as they are very needy! I am looking forward to watching their independence grow!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Savanna, great to hear that you achieved what you wanted to today.
    Watching the students learn how to access their learning on their terms is so empowering!
    Would be great to add a link back to your site in your post so that others can see what you have been working on in this space.
    Catch you next week,



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