Tuesday, March 2, 2021

W4 Reflection

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Using sheets has allowed me to become more confident when inputting data of my students work now. Knowing how to make graphs is something that will help show my data in a different way. Sheets have so much things that it can do, I just didn't even realise.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners, how could they use it?

Something that they can use would be filling out a form that I make. As I have young learners this will be great for me to use this in seeking their prior knowledge and pre, post tests. It could easily be used for a simple quiz that I wanted to have my students do e.g. an all about me quiz.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I have never used or knew My Maps existed. This is something super cool that I can use to show the class where our classmates are from. I have a very culturally diverse classroom so this is great for that. For my personal life this is going to be amazing to help plan trips like Vicki said she used for hers.


  1. Yes so much good learning today. Good idea about using Google Maps to show where your students come from definitely at the top of my to-do-list. I wonder if using Google Maps is the same on chromebooks and Ipads? I wonder if you can add new layers and images?

  2. Kia ora Savanna,
    Sheets is certainly an under used tool. I think it has so much more functionality - but people shy away from it! I look forward to hearing more about the forms you are thinking about creating, I found it really great for teaching Maori - but can see lots of potential for a junior class.
    Let me know how you get on with you class my map. What a great idea!
    As always, lots of take aways!



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