Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Week 3 Reflection

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

This session was a very big one! so much new learning for myself which has been wonderful! I had never been one to start a YouTube channel so was super interesting learning about how to do that and super useful to be able to make a playlist which make it great for our Hymn's we listen to during Religious Education.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

I chose the Drag and Drop learning on slides. This is so great. I can make some awesome slideshow activities where my junior learners will be able to do once I put it on my class site. See slideshow below of my nearly completed work. Something so simple and easy can be such a great fun, easy activity for my learners! Also learning how to get rid of an images background using 'remove.bg'.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Google Draw is something I haven't used yet as I simply did not understand what it was or how to properly use it. This was something I think I will use for both work and personal life. Also practice of embedding a slideshow into my blog was super helpful (more practice the better!).


  1. Kia ora Savanna,

    Congratulations on getting your YouTube Channel up and running! Using slides as a drag and drop activity is a great idea. You could also add audio instructions to your slides as an extra support to your learners if they need it.
    Ngā mihi nui

  2. Kia Ora Savanna,

    I like your Google Slide. Did you draw the little duck using Google Draw?



WOW! What an awesome journey it has been doing the DFI course. Looking back on the past 9 weeks, I have learnt so much more than I could hav...